Our District » Annual Notifications

Annual Notifications

Student Directory Information

Federal law permits a school district to identify certain information as directory information that may be released publicly without the permission of the parent.  The Mary Walker School District identifies this information as the following: name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major filed of study, participation in activities and sport, weight and height of athletic team members, dates of enrollment , diploma and awards received, and most previous school attended.  Parents who wish this information to be withheld need to contact their child’s school principal.



Military Information Opt-Out

Federal public law 107-110, section 9528 of the ESEA, “No Child Left Behind Act” requires school districts to release student names, addresses, and phone numbers to military recruiters upon their request.  The law also states that parents or 18 year old students have the right to opt-out by requesting that the school not release their contact information to military recruiters.  Contact your school to exercise that right.



Health Policies

Parents should be aware of school district policies regarding specific health situations.  Copies of these policies can be requested from the office in each building.  Applicable policies cover Student Health (3410), Immunization and Life Threatening Conditions (3413), and Emergency Treatment (3418).  A STUDENT WITH A LIFE THREATENING CONDITION MAY NOT ATTEND SCHOOL UNTIL AN EMERGENCY CARE PLAN IS ON FILE WITH THE SCHOOL.  CONTACT YOUR CHILD’S SCHOOL NURSE FOR INFORMATION.

Immunization Information
Washington law requires that a certificate of immunization be on file for every student enrolled in the district.  On or before the first day of attendance, all students must present or have on file documentation of their immunization status.  Exemptions are allowed for medical reasons signed by a physician, or based on religious or personal beliefs signed by the parents.  In case of an outbreak of the disease, a child under exemption may be excluded from school until the disease outbreak is concluded.

Annual Notification of Pesticide Application
Notification of pesticide application will be made available to interested students, parents and employees during times of application when treating areas such as fence lines, athletic fields, playgrounds, cracks in sidewalks and asphalt surfaces, enclosed storage and school buildings.  Pesticides are used primarily to control insects, rodents and weeds.  The District’s Building and Grounds Department are in the process of developing a policy and procedures that meet all federal and state regulations.  Pesticides used by the district include: Roundup Pro, QuickPro, Horsepower, TopSite, HiDep, R-11 Surfacant, Surflan, and baits for inside buildings.  The application methods are backpack sprayers, motorized sprayers and hand application.

A 48-hour advance notice will be given to individuals on the registry prior to application of pesticides.  If you are interested in being listed on the registry for notification, please write the Mary Walker School District at PO Box 159, Springdale, WA  99207 or call (509) 258-4534.  In the case of emergency application (i.e. stinging insects) individuals on the registry will be notified immediately after the application.  Sign will be posted in a public area of a building for 24 hours.  Pesticide application records and an annual summary of pesticide use are available for review at the District Office between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.  (Chapter 17.21 RCW, Pesticide Application Act).

McKinney-Vento & ChildFind
The McKinney-Vento Act is a federal law that makes sure children and youth who do not have permanent housing can go to school and preschool.  It gives children and youth rights to enroll in school, stay in school, get transportation to school, and gives these same children access to school lunch programs.  If you become aware of students who may qualify for services under the McKinney-Vento Act, or are in need of services for students in your family, please contact Tracey Hilpert, District Liaison at 509-258-4749.

ChildFind is the process of identifying all persons from birth to age 21 who may be educationally handicapped.  In the early years it is especially important to identify those children who may require special attention in some area.  Identifying a concern early can lessen the effects of the problem for the child in later years.  The Mary Walker School District is responsible for evaluating and identifying children who may require special education services, and for providing those services to Mary Walker children age 3 and older.  If you feel that you have a student who may require special attention in some area please contact the Mary Walker School District Special Services Department at 258-7357.

School Bus Expectations
Students using the Mary Walker School District Transportation services will be expected to follow Mary Walker School District Transportation rules and regulations.  Any misconduct by a student, which in the opinion of the bus driver is detrimental to the safety and welfare of any other student or to the safe operation of the school bus, will be sufficient cause for discipline and/or suspension of bus riding privileges.  Bus rules are distributed to students at the beginning of the school year.

Use or Possession of Illicit Drugs and Alcohol is Prohibited
The Mary Walker School District believes that use of illicit drugs and unlawful possession and use of alcohol is wrong and harmful.  All students in the district are held to the same standards and expectations.  Compliance with these standards is mandatory.  Students unlawfully possessing, using, or distributing illicit drugs or alcohol on school premises (buildings and grounds), designated school bus stops, or as a part of any school activity will be subject to the disciplinary action of expulsion or suspension.  A drug/alcohol assessment may be required prior to being readmitted.  Students dealing with problems related to illicit drugs or alcohol can seek help.  Information is available from a school counselor or social worker (Board Policies 2121, 5201, 4200, RCW 59.50.435).

Weapons and Tobacco-Free Environments
The Mary Walker School District is a tobacco-free environment.  No employees, students, or other persons may smoke or use any kind of tobacco products in or on district property (Board Policy 4210, 3241, 4215, RCW28A.210.310)

It is unlawful for a person to carry weapons onto public or private elementary or secondary school premises, school provided transportation or areas of non-school facilities while being used exclusively by public or private schools (RCW 9.41.250 and RCW9.41.2880, Board Policy 4210, 3241, 4215, RCW 28A.600.420). Students violating this policy will be subject to expulsion.

Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying (Board Policy 3207)
“Harassment, intimidation, and bullying” means any intentional written, verbal, or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by any characteristic in RCW 9A.365.080(3), (race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or mental or physical disability), or other distinguishing characteristic.

Acts of harassment, intimidation and bulling that cause physical harm to a person or a person’s property, interfere with the educational or work environment, create threatening educational or work environments, or substantially disrupt the orderly operation of the school or work place will be dealt with as serious offenses resulting in disciplinary action, suspension, expulsion, or/or legal action.

Reprisal, retaliation, or false accusations against anyone reporting or thought to have reported harassment, intimidation or bullying is prohibited and will be treated as a serious violation, regardless of whether the harassment, intimidation or bullying is substantial.  Persons engaged in reprisal, retaliation, or false accusations are subject to serious disciplinary and/or legal action.

Notification of Threats (Board Policy 4314)
Students and employees who are the subjects of threats of violence or harm shall be notified of the threats in a timely manner.  Parents shall be included in notifications to students who are subjects of those threats.  Timing and details of the notice will be as extensive as permitted by the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, other legal limitations, and the specific circumstances of the situation.

Individuals with Disabilities
Individuals with disabilities who may need a modification to participate in a school district meeting should contact the building principal or the Superintendent’s office no later than three days before a regularly scheduled meeting and as soon as possible in advance of a special meeting so that arrangements for the modification can be made.

Extra-Curricular Expectations
While attending or participating in school-sponsored off-campus events, students shall be governed by school district rules and regulations.  It is the expectation of Mary Walker School District that while off campus, at any extra-curricular activity, students will act as “ambassadors” for the district and will tailor their behavior accordingly.  Failure to comply with school district rules may result in loss of eligibility to attend school-sponsored off-campus events and may lead to other disciplinary actions.