Springdale Preschool » Reporting Absences

Reporting Absences

Absentee Line


Thanks to all who use the Absentee Line to report absences...
your support is greatly appreciated!

The Mary Walker School District is happy to offer an Absentee Line for your convenience. Please use this voicemail message service to notify the school anytime your child is going to be absent. Just dial 258-4797 and leave a message with your child"s name, grade, and the reason he or she will not be attending. It"s that simple! You can call this convenient number 24 hours a day, 7 days a week saving you time while assuring the school that your child is safe and absent with your permission. Please note that due to new State and Federal regulations, you must still send a note with your child when he or she returns to school. For a full explanation, please view the Attendance Policy for your child"s school. If you have any questions, please call your school office.

For best results and to eliminate the need for the school to phone you, please call the Absentee Line before 9:30 on the day of your child"s absence.

Please note: Do not use this line for requesting bus passes or for any other communications that need immediate attention. This line will only be checked in the morning.

Contact either school if you would like a
refrigerator magnet for easy access to
the Absentee Line number!